Privacy Policy

Here on user information our number one priority!

RadioCodesCalculator Privacy Statement

Bellow, you have our privacy statement that our website uses it. Every user needs to read the information below and pay attention to our rules. If after reading you have some issues you can always contact us. Our team will try to help you.

Email Addresses

You are free to use all of the information on this website without any problem. Our program will never use your email information for any reason. We don’t share your information whit third-party websites or services. Your information is protected!

Information Ownership

The owner on all collected user’s information is


You are free to comment on our website’s pages and posts without a problem. But if our team notices that you use offensive words our website will remove your comment permanently and you will lose your right to write comments on our pages and post in the future.


By using our website services you agree that from time to time we place cookies on your device to improve our work. This process will help you to save some information. This information can be some personal details, e-mail addresses, and some technical device information such as the model and its IP address. This helps our website to be more and more functional. This past will help you not to enter some information each time when you visit our website over and over again. It will save you some time.

The cookies from our website will never run some programs or deliver viruses to your PC, mobile phone, laptop, or tablet. They can only be read by the web server that put this cookie on your device in the first place!

The cookies are for:

  • Save your time
  • Easy future access to our website
  • To identify how users navigate through our web pages
  • Help us to improve our services and communication whit our users
  • Prevent fraud
  • Prevent abuse


Our website has and it will publish some links from other websites for more information. If you use some of those links please check the privacy policy on those websites first and then use some services and information from them if you don’t have any problems whit accepting them.


You can always contact us by mail.