Do you feel that you need a percentage increase and decrease calculator? Do you need calculation in everyday life, which refers to a percentage decrease or increase, you should use a physical calculator or calculator in the form of an application that works on a phone or computer.
If you have this need, and always use a calculator, we are determined to convince you and change your habits. Maybe you are wondering about what purpose we want to make such a change in your thinking and habits. The answer is very easy! Why use a calculator to increase or decrease when we can learn how to practice calculation in everyday life without using any technology? This approach can develop your mind in a useful direction that will help you think much better and more useful in the future!
If you like this way of thinking, as well as our approach and way of looking at things, then we recommend that you devote a few minutes of your time to understanding and memorizing the procedure that will help you remove the need for a percentage increase or decrease calculator.
Percentage Increase And Decrease
To calculate the final value obtained after a percentage increase or decrease we need to complete the following steps:
- First, we must calculate the percentage from the original value that we need to increase or decrease.
- Then we increase the original value for the resulting percentage (if it comes to an increase for a certain percentage), or reduces the original value for the resulting percentage (if it is a decrease by a certain percentage).
The value we receive at the end of the procedure is final (obtained with an appropriate percentage increase or percentage decrease).
Below this page, you can see examples of the use of steps one and two (listed above) that you must use to use to avoid using a calculator to increase or decrease! Moreover, the site contains examples of percentage increase or decrease in text and video form. We recommend that you look at both types of examples that will help you practice the mathematical procedure in any situation in everyday life without any problem!
Examples On Percentage Increase And Decrease
Take a look at the first example below:
Example 1: Men’s pants have a price of $ 140. Determine the price of the pants if the seller decides to reduce their price by reducing it by 20%!
Let’s complete the first step of the procedure first. The calculation to determine the percentage (%)of the price of the pants should look like this:

20% of $ 140 is $ 28!
As soon as we already know the percentage value, then we still have to complete the second step. In the example, it is specified that it is a reduction, where we conclude that we should reduce the original price of pants for the percentage amount. The procedure is very simple! She should look like this:

The price of pants that is initially priced at $ 140, after a percentage of 20%, is $ 112!
Let’s look at another example that contains a percentage increase! Such is the second example below:
Example 2: The price of a new Honda car is $ 18,000. Determine what price this car model will be sold for if the manufacturer decides to increase the price by 10%.
First Step: Determining the percentage amount of 10% of 18000! You have the calculation below:

10% of $ 18,000 is $ 1800!
Step Second: Reduce the original price for percentage value. The simple calculation is below:

The price of a Honda car, which initially cost $ 18,000, after a percentage increase of 10%, is 19800!
Video Examples With Solution
In the video below you can see many more examples with calculations for percentage increases and percentage decreases. This way is very likable to our readers and more interesting. You can use this way for self-testing and self-checking whether you know how to calculate a percentage increase or percentage decrease.
If you need an additional question or additional assistance, which you cannot find on our website as information, feel free to contact us and we will try to help you in the shortest possible time! All the best!