This guide should help you learn how to multiply decimals by decimals. You can see many examples on this page! Some of them are presented in the form of text and are located directly on the page itself, while most of them can be seen in video format. That video format allows you to watch and study these examples step by step. Of course, any reader can stop the video at any point in time and thus get a chance to predict the course of the solution. Our recommendation to you is to watch the first few examples without interrupting the video material, and then to test yourself individually and try to predict each subsequent step when multiplying decimals by decimals.
Below, on the same page, you will see the rules by which we multiply decimals by decimals. The same rules are applied during the solution of all examples (examples in text and video form).
Multiply Decimals By Decimals
When multiplying decimal numbers, the following rules should be followed:
We multiply decimal numbers in the same way as natural numbers, so at the beginning of the procedure we do not pay attention to the decimal places or the placement of the decimal point.
After receiving the result (the product of the numbers that we treat as natural numbers), we count the decimal places of the first and second decimal numbers. Their sum shows us the number of decimal places in the result. For example if the first decimal number has only one decimal place and the second two decimal places, then (1+2=3) the result must have three decimal places.
Let’s look at the example below:
Example 1: Calculate the product of decimal numbers:

Step By Step Guide
Above you have a solved example in which a method of multiplying decimals by decimals has been presented. Let’s start by analyzing this solved example.
- First, we multiply all the digits of the first number (the decimal number on the left) by the last digit of the second decimal number and get the number 1296, which we write down so that its last digit is written right below the digit 3 which is the last in the second decimal number. .
- We repeat the same procedure with digit 2 of the second decimal number, which gives us the number 864. When entering it into the result, we pay attention to the correct order. The last digit of 864 must be placed immediately below the 2 digit of the second decimal number.
- In the next step, after the appropriate ordering of the products obtained after multiplication, we add them and as a result we get the number 9936.
- Obviously the first decimal number has two decimal places and the second only one decimal place. The sum of the decimal places of the first and second decimal number together is 3. Therefore, we conclude that the result must be a decimal number that has exactly three decimal places. Therefore, we place the decimal point between the digits 9 and 9. Finally, the result of the multiplication of decimal numbers is 9.936!
If the decimal numbers have different signs, then follow the same rules that apply when multiplying whole numbers!
Video Examples
You can see the rules for multiplying decimals by decimals much more clearly if you decide to watch the video materials presented below on the page. You can learn there much easier. Below is the video:
We hope this guide of ours helped you learn how to multiply decimals by decimals. We wish you all the best. Feel free to send us a comment or an email message. Use the chance if you need some help related to performing this math operation in a specific problem case!