This guide is here to help you with ways to divide fractions by fractions using a rule that is described in several steps. The process of dividing fractions by fractions is very easy and simple. But still, let’s pay a little more attention to the process itself so as not to make certain mistakes when dividing fractions.
The guide below contains text and video examples of how to divide fractions by fractions written in the correct form. The rule itself is used only for this type of fraction. If any of the fractions are written in the form of a mixed number, we should first convert it into an improper fraction, and only then calculate the division of fractions by fractions.
Divide Fractions By Fractions In Several Steps
To successfully perform the required mathematical operation, we need to go through the following steps:
- First, we rewrite the first fraction.
- Then we change the division sign with the multiplication sign.
- In the third step, we write the second fraction (the fraction by which we have to divide) in reverse (reciprocal value), that is, we write its numerator in the place of its denominator, and vice versa, we write its denominator in the place of its numerator.
- In the next step, we follow the rules for multiplying fractions by fractions, that is, we multiply the numerator of the first fraction with the numerator of the second fraction and get the numerator of the result. We also multiply the denominator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction and get the denominator of the solution.
- Finally, we analyze the result, and simplify it if necessary. If the result is a fraction in irregular form, then we convert that fraction to a mixed number.
See the example of dividing fractions by fractions below:
Examples On How To Divide Fractions By Fractions
Example 1: Determine the result obtained after dividing the fractions:

Now, we rewrite the first fraction. Then change the division sign to the multiplication sign. In the end, turn the second fraction upside down (numerator – denominator):

In the next step, we multiply the fractions:

We analyze the resulting solution in the form of a fraction. We can simplify the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by the number 2. The simplification looks like this:

But even after simplifying we still get a solution that is in the form of an improper fraction because its numerator is greater than its denominator. In this situation, we should convert the solution into a mixed number as follows:

The entry above is the final solution to example number one.
Video Examples
The video, which is presented below on the page, contains several solved examples of dividing fractions by fractions in video format. They are presented step by step. Watch the video to assess whether you have learned how to divide fractions by fractions. If necessary, stop the video, and predict the result, to finally understand whether you were right or wrong!
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