Today’s guide will help you learn how to convert percentage to decimal. Here, we will make this conversion process very easy for you. Once you learn how to convert a percentage to a decimal in this way, you’ll gain lasting knowledge that you can apply anytime in the future.
What’s more, you’ll be able to complete this conversion without using a calculator or pen and paper. Therefore, we recommend that you spend a few minutes on these pages. See the detailed solved examples in text form directly on the page, but also pay attention to the video examples that you can access from the bottom of the page.
Converting Percentage To Decimal
When converting a percentage to a decimal number, follow these conversion rules:
- If the percentage is an integer less than 10%, then the decimal number must be represented in the form 0.0X, where X is the digit of the percentage!
- Тhe percentage is an integer from 10% to 99%? Тhen the decimal number must be represented in the form 0,XY, where X and Y are the digits of the percentage!
- If the percentage amount contains decimals, then we start writing those decimals during the conversion by shifting two decimal places to the right. For example, we will place the first decimal of the percentage in the place of the third decimal of the decimal number!
By following the three rules mentioned above, one can easily convert any percentage amount into a decimal number!
See the solved examples below:
Example 1: Convert a percentage to a decimal number:

Obviously, in the example above, the percentage is an integer less than 10%. In this situation, we follow the first rule. Following this rule means that the decimal number must be 0.06!

Example 2: Convert the percentage to a decimal number:

Obviously, in the example above, the percentage is an integer that falls between 10% and 99%. In this situation, we follow the second rule. By following this rule, the decimal number must be 0.27!

Example 3: Convert the percentage to a decimal number:

The example above contains a percentage that has both a whole part and decimals. In this conversion, we follow the third rule. The decimal number in this situation must be 0.19877.

We sincerely hope this guide helped you learn how to turn a percentage into a decimal number. If you want to see more examples, we recommend that you watch the video presented below:
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