Working with numbers every day, increasing or decreasing them puts us in a situation where we all need to know how to calculate a percentage of a number! This is perhaps the most important and most used mathematical calculation that every person needs to practice almost daily. People who work in administration or accounting calculate a percentage of a number every day, and they have that procedure well memorized, but that does not mean that any other person should not know it. We all have a need, and we all need to know how to calculate a percentage of a number, whether it is a percentage increase or a percentage decrease of the number itself.
It is precisely because of all of the above that our team is ready to pay special attention to this everyday problem related to a mathematical calculation that is extremely important and necessary for us. Below on the page you can see which formula for calculating a percentage of a number we will use and how we will use it. Also, below you can see specific examples of solved problems related to this topic that you can see in two different versions, in text form and video form. We are aware that we all have unique abilities and learn in different ways, which is why we offer you different learning materials to which everyone can adapt individually.
Let’s see what exactly it is all about! Keep reading down!
Calculating А Percentage Of A Number
When calculating a percentage of a number you should use the following formula:
From the formula it is clearly seen that in order to calculate a percentage of a number we need to multiply the percentage value by the number itself from which we want to determine an exact percentage. The procedure is very simple to use a calculator at all. Our recommendation to you is to perform such simpler calculations without a calculator to practice a daily mental exercise and activity that improves our thinking and continuously exercises the brain. See the examples below that practice the formula for calculating a percentage of a number in a real situation!
Examples Using The Formula
Example 1: Calculate the value of 15% of the number 200!
To solve the first example, we need to multiply the percentage value by the number 200. During the multiplication process itself, we need to convert the percentage value either to a decimal number or to a fraction. For everyone to see different methods of solving, in the first and second examples on this page we will solve by converting a percentage to a fraction, while in the third and fourth examples we will solve by converting a percentage to a decimal number!
The entire procedure for solving the first example looks like this:

15% of the number 200 is 30!
Continue with the second example!
Example 2: Calculate the value of 40% of the number 250!
We convert the percentage value of 40% into a fraction and multiply it by the number 250. The solution looks like this:

40% of 250 is 100!
In the third and fourth examples of calculating a percentage of a number, we do not convert the percentage value to a fraction, but convert it to a decimal number!
Example 3: Calculate 10% of 340!
We convert the percentage value 10% into a decimal number (0.1) and multiply it by the number 340!

10% of the number 340 is 34!
See also the fourth example of calculating a percentage of a number!
Example 4: Calculate 80% of 1500!
We convert the percentage value 80% into a decimal number (0.8) and multiply it by 1500! The calculation should look like this:

80% of 1500 is 1200!
Video Examples On How To Calculate Percentage Of A Number
As you can easily see above, when calculating a percentage of a number, we can use two similar but different procedures, which can provide us with an accurate calculation. Which procedure you will decide to use depends individually on your desires and affinities about which procedure is the most recent or more provocative.
Finally, the video on the page below contains many examples of calculating a percentage of a number. Look at the examples and practice several different examples to make sure you have a good understanding of how to use the formula to calculate a percentage of a number. You can easily understand this if you decide to stop the video and test yourself whether you can predict the future course of the solution correctly or not!