A problem that causes us the most serious challenges is how to add mixed fractions with different denominators! This is where things get complicated because we have two complicated things in one place. We all know that mixed numbers cause us problems, so if we mix the fractions here, then it becomes more than clear that it is easy to make a mistake or several mistakes in one place. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully review the content of this text, which contains appropriate methods and examples that will help you understand how to add mixed fractions with different denominators.
Below the page, you can see two types of examples. The first examples are available right on this page in written form, while the video examples at the bottom of the page are available in the form of a YouTube video that can offer you many examples, all with the same problem – how to add mixed fractions with different denominators!
Let’s start by introducing the rules that we need to follow to successfully solve any example or problem!
Add Mixed Fractions With Different Denominators
When adding mixed fractions with different denominators, we should pay attention to the following steps that must be carried out during the solution:
- In the first step, mixed fractions with a mixed version should be converted to improper fractions.
- After the first step is done, we need to perform the addition of fractions.
- After completing the second step, we analyze the result. If the result is an improper fraction, then we convert the result back into a mixed fraction.
Very important! If any of the procedures mentioned in the three steps above are not familiar to you or you do not know how to practice them, click on the marked text and try to master the indicated mathematical content first, and only then try to understand how mixed fractions add up with different denominators!
In the following, we will look at different examples that are solved using the listed rules above in this text!
At the very beginning, we will consider a simple problem – how to add mixed fractions with the same denominators! Such is example number 1. Consider first this example which is presented below:
Example 1: Calculate the sum of mixed fractions that have the same denominators!

We complete the first step! First, we perform a change from a mixed fraction to an irregular fraction for the two given fractions individually. This conversion should look like this:

Keeping in mind that adding mixed fractions with the same denominator is much easier than adding fractions with different denominators. In the following, we collect the fractions that we got in the previous step:

At the very end, we transform the result into a mixed fraction:

In the continuation of the text, we consider a classic example of adding mixed fractions with different denominators. Also, look at this example and be sure to compare it to example number one.
Example 2: Calculate the sum obtained when adding the fractions with different denominators!

First, we convert mixed fractions into irregular fractions. This conversion should look like this:

The resulting fractions in the previous step of this example have different denominators! Your next task is to determine the lowest common multiple of the different denominators (4 and 6). Let’s consider the strings containing several prime multiples of the numbers 4 and 6 individually:
4: 4; 8; 12; 16; 20; 24
6:6; 12; 18; 24; 30; 36
From the arrays formed above, it is very easy to see that the LCM of the numbers 4 and 6 is the number 12. Therefore, in the next step, we will first expand our fractions that have an irregular shape so that they have the same denominator.

After we have presented the mixed fractions in the form of having the same denominators, it remains only to perform the mathematical operation addition! The collection should look like this:

At the very end, we transform the result into a mixed fraction:

From the examples shown above in the text, you can easily make a comparison between adding mixed fractions with the same or different denominators! At the same time, it is clear that the addition of mixed fractions with different denominators must be simplified to the addition of mixed fractions with the same denominators, thus solving any example with the same or similar problem.
Video Examples
Of course, our method of work implies that we will also leave at your disposal solved examples with this method in video format. Check out all the examples that our team has prepared for you in the video presented below:
We believe that this guide will be very useful if you decide to learn this collection method by using it in detail. We wish you all the best in your life and your learning process! A person learns while he is alive!