Unlock Land Rover radio code generator is available here on this website for free downloading. This online service can help you to unlock your locked Land Rover device for free.
So all you need to make is to get the installation software on your computer and to complete the generating process that you will find below on this page.

The problem is really bad. But now you can solve it with:
Land Rover Radio Code Generator
The Land Rover code generator can generate any key for any locked Land Rover radio device. It’s capable to retrieve your real code directly from the original database. To get your right code you must provide instructions about the generator that will help him is the online search for your code.
Those instructions are your locked Land Rover radio serial number and year of production. You can search to find the original book guide that your stereo has. Those numbers can be found there.
The second option is to remove the device from your Land Rover. There you will find this combination of numbers and letters for sure.

So if you are sure that you have the real two required information please start the:
Unlock Code Generate Procedure
The online generator is just a minute away from you people:
- Download the online Land Rover radio code generator for free,
- Install it on your computer or mobile phone device,
- Then open it on your PC,
- Fill your serial number,
- Fill the year on production also,
- The procedure for generating car radio codes will end in five to ten minutes,
- Once you get your code put it in your device,
- You finally unlock your locked device! So now you can use it again.
We can say just one thing. We are so glad that we help a lot of people – Land Rover owners with this problem.

Please just don’t use the online service if you don’t know the right information about your locked radio. Because if you want to try and use some random combination numbers and letters you will just slow down the online tool for no reason. Then all active users at this time will wait for a half-hour for the unlocking process. Please be fair!
So if you were happy about this tool, make someone else happy about the generator too by sharing our website to your social networks! Thanks!
Can i get please the code for Land Rover Radio.
7H1270447 BC
CL Model No.
Radio Serial No: 0004457
Hi, I’m interested in whether you got any assistance. It seems I have the same radio (very similar numbers) and my serial number is failing to be recognised too.
I’m in Australia with a Land Rover Defender.