Our team of professionals is the leader in helping people with some car stereo installation problems. Therefore we are here to offer you help in solving this issue very fast and easily.

The car stereo installation process can be very difficult especially if you try to complete it for the first time.
The process can be very different from one car brand to other, from one model to other.
So our team made this page where you can write us in comments about your particular car brand, model, year of production. Then we will send you the original step guide just for your exact automobile type and stereo. So please write us a comment and we will help you for sure.
The car stereo installation process is different from type to type but there are a few main steps that you must complete in every car model.
Once you truly decided to go through the car stereo installation procedure there are some particular processes that you must complete. You will need to:
- Remove the car radio device that you already have
- Switch the new radio device properly
- Car stereo installation
It’s very important for you to know all the processes mentioned above in order to complete it for free by yourself.
The easiest part of this procedure is to remove the factory car radio from its place in your vehicle. This procedure is very simple and also different from model to model.
Very often you must press some hidden button or pull some strange wires.
If the removal in your car isn’t so obvious then you are most welcome to research our youtube channel where you can find video tutorials about how to remove your car radio device!
We want also to pay attention to your radio code before you remove the device. If you have it great! If you don’t have this four numbers combination then remove the radio and unlock it via our universal radio code generator.
Car Stereo Installation
Then after the removal process, you need to switch your new radio with your car. This process can be a really big problem because if you don’t connect it properly you can make several secondary problems.
So you can make problem with the main battery or in the best case, some functions on your new radio will not work properly.
This switching process with wires also depends on your car’s brand and model. Therefore don’t act stupid because you read on some internet web page that the green wire goes in the first place etc.
This connection wire problem can be different from automobile to automobile model. So we also recommend you to write your brand and model. Then we will send you the original guide just for your auto!
The biggest problem comes from car stereo installation procedures. If you make some wrong step and switch then you can destroy your new fancy stereo which you love. Therefore ask for help and we will answer you in the next couple of hours!
Hi i need a code for this SN:SEZAZ1R6887644
Ahoj potřebuji kód pro tento SN: 8153F0927E2887294
Hi i need a code for this SN: SKZ4Z2N13046672
Ciao ho bisogno di un codice per questo NISSAN NAVARA SERIAL : 29QAG140025
PART 281854KJ0B
bonjour pouvez vous m’aidez a recuperer mon code rcd 510 serie:VWZ1Z3K6351999
vw golf 6 2010 tdi
Hello, I need a radio code with serial number: DW49N14130
I need a code for a Porsche Becker BE4467 s/n W5002253.
Thank you.
I need a code for serial number nkppi014309uc
Hi Team,
can you send me the radiocode for SKZAZ9F 4887322
Thanks a lot
I need a code s/n 89DRBFM293362124 DELCO.
Thank you.
How do I down load the app or what I need to unlock my chvy impala radio I took out and put one from Buick Lucerne .same exact radio but locked so need to figure out how to get it working tu
Guten Tag, ich habe ein altes Auto gekauft und würde einen Code benötigen
Altes Blaupunkt Radio BP8140 Peugeot T1N1
Gerätetyp 7648140392
Seriennummer BP8140X4218165
Beim letzten Einschalten stand nicht Code Eingabe Fehler 3, ist es überhaupt noch möglich
würde mich über Hilfe freuen.
gruß Wolfgang
dodge durango 2011
serial number : T00BE084156606
my e-mail is : Ghaithqudah2004@gmail.com
Hi I need a code for a vauxhall zafira with serial number 3141256 please. I need my radio back
Hi I need a code for a vauxhall zafira with serial number 3151256 please. I need my radio back
Sorry i posted the wrong number on my previous comment.
I’m Mariusz, just I’ve bought Volvo V70 from 1997
Vin no ; YV1LW5506W2445537
The radio serial no ; VO0690W6299014E
Can you help me with code, please ?
Please help me with daewoo nissan Code
My email trine33333@gmail.com
i need a code for a holden commodore 2007
SN: BP224055881723
greatly appreciated
Please help me with Code VW BNO811 / 1K0 035 198 C / VWZ1Z7F6256986
Hi 🙂
im looking code for my Jeep radio
VIN: 1C4NJDCB3ED544435
SN: T00BE077372557
Thank you.
alpine ilx-702d
serial no: d01027638c
i need the code for
Hi i need a code for this SN:89FKSFB131365206